Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) is the most common form of online advertising. This type of advertising requires that users pay a set amount for a specific ad to be displayed. It differs from organic traffic in that it pays only when the ad is clicked. A landing page is the web page the visitor will see after clicking on the ad. The end goal of PPC advertising is conversion – the process of making a sale.

A pay-per-click campaign can have many goals. For example, the goal of a pre-launch campaign could be to drive traffic, build awareness, and increase conversions. Depending on your business goals, the cost per click will vary. After all, a single click is not as valuable as a single lead or conversion. As a result, the cost-per-click should reflect the importance of each goal.

The results of a pay-per-click campaign will vary depending on the goals of the campaign. Some campaigns will generate results quickly, while others will take weeks or even months to build. After two to four months, pay-per-click managers should have a good idea of how their campaign is performing. Keyword match is an important part of any PPC campaign, and the different types of matches will influence your results. It’s important to understand that each type of match serves different goals.

Our PPC team delivers exceptional results that can’t be matched. Find out what our PPC specialists can do for your business.
